One of the most important aspects of a professional website is a page to address frequently asked questions. An FAQ page can help reel in new customers, convince existing customers to buy your products, and saves you from answering repetitive questions via email or social media. If you take time to craft a well-written FAQ page, you also show your customers that they can trust you and you already know what they are thinking. If you are unsure about getting started, we are here to help. We have some tips to help you write a compelling FAQ page.

Write out the actual questions

The best way to write an FAQ page would be to write the question first and then give an answer. Your customers don't want a marketing pitch when they navigate to your FAQ page. Even though this step sounds obvious, it would help not to overlook this critical tip.

Stick with yes/no answers

Most questions on your FAQ page will require definitive answers. It would be best to start your response with a yes or no and proceed to give a short explanation. Your clients will probably not read the rest of your response once they have the answer to their yes or no question. Avoid using flimsy words such as perhaps and sometimes, making you look less confident.

Pose the question as the reader would ask it

Failure to write the questions from the customer's point of view as you build FAQ pages leads to confusion and miscommunication. As you pose the questions, remember to use "I" for the customer or reader and "you" for the website owner. This format will best match what your clients normally type on the search bar.

Give quick and straight answers

It would be best to save the long stories and paragraphs for the homepage of your website. When customers click on your FAQ page, they look for short answers to their questions. Try to use short paragraphs of less than 100 words.

Ensure your FAQ page is easy to find

Your customers will likely get frustrated and leave your website if they cannot quickly locate the FAQ page. The best page title would be "FAQ" because many people already know the acronym. It would be best to place your FAQ page in your website navigation menu and avoid over-complicating the page name.

Use a casual tone

Last but not least, we suggest using your brand voice to add some personality to your FAQ page. It is okay to add some color to your content if you avoid jargon to answer the questions. A casual tone will help show your clients there is an actual human being behind the website and not a monotonous robot.

Wrapping up

Now that you have expert tips on how to write a good FAQ page, skim through your emails and social media posts and identify the questions your customers ask regularly. You could also use Google's autosuggest feature to find commonly asked questions about your business. If your business is relatively new and you are yet to receive questions, you could peruse through your competitor's websites and try to answer the questions better than they have.