Promoting your business has never been easier than it is now. This is because you have practically countless mediums to get touch base with your target market. Your prospects are spread across a wide spectrum of channels including social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, texting apps such as Snapchat, WhatsApp, and also YouTube, and so much more. It is all a matter of how efficient you are in coming up with a marketing strategy that gets your message across and registered in the mind of your target market. You are here not only to convey the message but to make sure that it sticks around for a long time. Long enough to encourage them to purchase with you! But how do you do that? Let's find out:

  1. Create A Fantastic Marketing Copy

Some people think that creating marketing copy is a thing of the past. This is not the case because there is a major portion of your consumers that still looks out for your newsletters and print ads. To come up with a copy that sticks in their memory, you must ensure the following:

  • Establish A Brand Essence

This is the core of any marketing strategy that you want to implement. The basic characteristics of your brand are its essence. This is that tangible or intangible attribute that helps your customers differentiate you from the crowd.

  • Understand Brand Pillars

There has to be a list of ethics, codes, principles, and practices that your brand was founded upon. Certain aspects or traits that you have defined in your brand essence will form its pillars and they will remain constant for as long as you exist.

  • What Is Your Brand Archetype?

You must come up with a prototype. You must establish a standard and develop a unique market niche. This is again something that will help you come up with a marketing copy that is not just unparalleled but unimagined.

  1. Coming Up With A Voice Marketing Strategy

It is time to design your voice marketing strategy. Before that, it is essential to understand what voice marketing is. It is a great way to reach out to your audience through devices that support voice commands, inputs, and voice assistance. According to various independent studies, by the year 2024, the majority of internet searches are going to happen through voice commands. Your user is also going to expect voiceovers and somewhat of a dialogue with the smart devices that he uses. This is why several tech giants have started investing in the right Voice Talent for their enterprises. Do you know that by the end of 2020 there were already 225 millions smart speakers in use? The number is only on the rise and if you are not prepared for this technological advancement, you will be left behind.

  1. Invest In The Right Podcasts

By now you must have understood the power of voice. This leads you to another unparalleled way to promote your business which is through an engaging podcast. You have already noticed the explosion of podcasts throughout the world. Several studies suggest that over 60% of Americans listen to podcasts practically every day. The number of people actively consuming this kind of content is a little over 150 million right now! You can start by creating short, engaging, interesting, and fun yet trivia-packed podcasts for your users. You can initially invest in a monthly episode and then increase the frequency as you gain traction with your audience. The most interesting form of a podcast is the interview style which has become very popular among users of practically all ages. They are more organic and enjoyable and your users relate to them more easily.

  1. Make Friends On YouTube

Is that possible? Is it effective to connect with your followers on YouTube? Yes, it is because the comments section in particular helps you indulge in a dialogue with your regular followers. It gives you an opportunity to address their concerns and respond to their queries. It establishes you as a responsive brand in the market that listens to its customers and prospects and acts upon their recommendations in due time. So yes, making friends on YouTube is a great approach to market your brand and become a household name in practically no time.

  1. Invite Influential Bloggers

If you haven't thought about connecting with influential bloggers, maybe this is the right time to do that. You have become quite active on Facebook and Instagram. You have a beautifully designed Facebook page as well. Your Instagram feeds are quite regular and your followers are responding to your every upload. What is going to give you a bigger boost is getting an influential and relevant social media blogger/vlogger or personality onboard. They can get you even more followers. They can make you the hot topic of discussion across various social media channels. You are going to be the hottest trending topic overnight. But the trick is to associate with a social media personality who doesn't just believe in your products and services but has faith in your abilities as well. The same should show in all your marketing efforts as well because that is the only way your message is going to resonate with your target audience.

  1. Speak Out Your Mind

If you haven't yet connected with your customers and prospects directly, you could think about it seriously right now. People are always looking for someone from their favorite brand to connect with on a more personal level. You could make that happen for your customers. Put out a video. Upload an Instagram reel. Talk to them. Engage your users in a conversation that is both interesting and fruitful.


There is a lot that you can do to get your message across. Don't limit yourself to traditional methods of marketing. These promotional tips were nothing alien or anything that you hadn't heard of but they were more result-oriented as compared to anything that you have used before. So do try them out and experience the difference yourself.