Amy is a high performance business consultant, coach, inspirational speaker, writer and the founder of Woman UnRuled. Her expertise is empowering progressive women to step fully into their leadership brilliance to realize their highest potential of success - in business and in life.

Earlier in her career, Amy held executive leadership positions for cutting edge technology companies. She then founded a recruiting firm where she placed executives within start-ups and public companies. Amy has always been passionate about helping both women and men, recognize their full potential.

Woman UnRuled is for the progressive woman who wants to more powerfully navigate her world and career. More often than not, we’re the ones holding ourselves back because we’ve agreed to live by the rules of our culture. We accommodate, conform and get caught in the perfection trap. Without realizing it, our own behavior leads to feeling bad and doubting ourselves.

"In my business coaching practice and programs, I help you step fully into your power and leadership brilliance so you are front and center in your own life. We unravel your life of “shoudas” and create space so you can realize your highest potential of success. You will move from doing things out of obligation to creating a life full of inspiration. Let’s create some new rules to live by. It’s time."

– Amy Matthews, CEO of Woman UnRuled.


Before I founded Woman Unruled, I worked for technology companies and I was in the right place at the right time. I worked for a company where I built a vertical market from scratch in the mobile space. It was a high growth company in a high growth industry so I quickly moved up the ladder. After one year with the company, I was hiring a team, after two years I was leading a national team and then went on to lead a team in Latin America.

Even though I was one of the highest ranking women, a VP, running an international division, I still wasn't comfortable in my own skin, I wasn't comfortable owning my power. I don't think I knew that at the time but I do now.

I then went into executive search where I placed executives in technology companies. I interviewed men and women for executive positions and the women didn’t toot their horn, in fact they sometimes down played their success. On the other hand, men had no problem talking about their accomplishments. The men always came across more confident. I talked to CEOs and they told me some of their best performers were women, they only wished they they felt more confident and owned their power.  

So that's what inspired me to create Woman UnRuled.

I'm highly passionate about helping women step fully into their power with ease and grace. I want every women on the planet to feel fabulous about who they are and comfortable with the decisions they make - in every part of their lives. No more second guessing, no more playing small, no more perfection. That’s what Woman UnRuled is about.

Because of my business background and mindset, I help women entrepreneurs and executives take themselves up a notch or two and claim their inner authority. I work with clients in several ways: 1:1 coaching, group coaching and live trainings.


I'm super excited about my plans for Woman Unruled in 2019! I've spent two years building the foundation and I have a large following who receive my newsletter/blog weekly and I'm active on social media. I work with many clients 1 on 1 and am about to launch an online program and podcast.

In 2019, I'll be focusing on expanding my reach. Speaking engagements are at the top of my list. I recently moderated a Woman in Leadership panel at Sale’s Force’s Dreamforce, a major technology industry event. Several companies have asked me to speak at their upcoming events. I’ll also be consulting more with companies and training both women and men. As we all know, in today’s work environment, there’s a big issue with men and women understanding and communicating with one another. I'm also training for a TED talk which I’m really excited about - so stay tuned for that too!
