Greg DiCarlo, Co-Founder and CEO of Work2Live, along with three other co-founders, founded Work2Live in 2016 after identifying a gap in the way employee perks and rewards programs were organized.
As the CEO, Greg has overseen the positioning of Work2Live as a highly differentiated solution in the employee lifestyle benefits space by combining complementary elements that provide a unique solution to employers focused on recruiting and retaining talent.
Q: What would you like to see your team accomplish in 2019?
Become THE top provider for employee lifestyle benefits in the US!
Q: Who is your role model or hero?
This is a hard question to answer with just one name. I have been fortunate to have great people around me that provide a lot of support - especially the 3 other co-founders of Work2Live (Beverly, Scott & Felix), but one of my most influential role models from an early time in my career was Brandon Taylor. I came to know Brandon at the Fortune 500 firm I worked at prior to co-founding Work2Live. While I consider him one of my closest friends today, he always provided those around him (including me) with true mentorship and guidance. This mentorship is something I work to pass along to others on a daily basis.
Q: What is your favorite book?
Good to Great by Jim Collins.
Q: Do you use any specific method or system to run daily operations?
I am a firm believer that by having the right process mapped out from an operational standpoint, you can prevent 90% of "problems" that might come up. The other 10% of situations are usually influenced by factors out of your control, but having the right process in place to manage these will ultimately lead to positive customer experiences 100% of the time. We also automate as much as possible with our technology while still maintaining the human element of what we do.
Q: Looking back - if you could advise a younger version of yourself to do something different - what would it be?
Have more patience. Sometimes things take time to unfold and that's not always easy to understand when we're younger. Things that happened 10 years ago for me are still playing out to this day, but it was important to plant the seed.